Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Step up to the plate

Now is YOUR TIME to step up to the plate. i want to focus the blog more on certain aspects of the game, but i need YOUR help.
Leave me a comment and let me know what YOU want to know about :P

Monday, May 26, 2008

SSC is calling!

Dj stepped into SSC last night to clear some trash with the "co-op". The trash was easy, the heals were good and even after the stupid server reset (and a certain pally wiped us by auto running by accident:S) we were at the looter below.
Not bad for our first attempt. WIPE WIPE WIPE....... damn you looter, we WILL kill you.
So all in all, we killed the trash with ease and wiped on looter, again, not bad for a first try.
My only issue is with taking 8 healers, IMHO overkill.
That is all.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Legacy of the unknown Hunter

Julios pugged kara......again. They wanted "a full clear" but a few of the kara group seemed uhhhh less than great. We wiped alot, we smashed alot, i got my Worgan claw necklace and LEGACY........Finally an upgrade to replace my poor old Crystalforged Axe.

Djibril helped smash curator and took over some of the raid leader stuff, then (as we only had 2 healadins and no aoe/hots) and after we wiped on aran a bunch of times, people had to go. Oh well, a few badges and T4 for some was very very worth it.

We started on gruuls with Fatal the other night, downed HKM and wiped 4 times on Gruul. Grull the GUILD killer, tonight you meet your maker.

On a side note i have heard that the GM of Fallen From Grace is quitting WOW with Alex taking up the GM position. Sad to see you go, and gratz Alex. Wish you all the best.

That is all

Friday, May 23, 2008

Moroes gets solo healed

Last night , we scraped together a kara team. The GM pulled in a new recruit...a shaman..... when i asked who was healing, the reply was "you and raz".
We got in, started clearing trash and i noticed i was the only one healing. I check out raz's gear, all dps......UHHHH CRAP. too late to find another, i adv said GM and she stated "we will have to find another healer"
At this point we are half-way through trash so i told her dont worry, i will solo it....... AND OMFG IT WORKED?!?!?!?!
we downed him frist go, me on solo heals. Raz repeced and we shot our way to curator, thats the mission for tonight.

Man healadins rock.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My glass looks BRILLIANT!

Yes thats right, JC'ing my butt off again and another epic gem pops out. 14 glass, 2 epics. The sad fact? Blizzard suck....WHA?!?!?!?!
Blizzard as of sunwells crazy Gem lady screwed JC's everywhere. Epic gems arent selling, i have had the Pyrestone at 350g for a week now and bite, no sale, just nothing.

Progression news: Delirium/Fatal semi-merger. Thats right folks, you heard it here first! The decision has been made by both guild to co-op for SSC/TK as neither guild can get enough people online at the same time for 25 man content. Or in my words "not enough people can be bothered to turn up just like back in the day for kara, but oooo when your on farm they wanna come for PHAT LEWTZ....."

Now, as you may know, Julios was previously in a raiding guild and hated it. I'd like to say it WASNT the people in that guild, but it was, more specifically the GM. I quit one night after SSC. I muled on it for days before i decided to go. I made sure to tie up the "loose end" of raiding and not roll on any loot. Why? i wanted to reduce my raid days to 3 days only as i wanted to spend more time with my familiar, and he said NO. What comes first? raid or my gorgeous Kylz?

ANYWAY, back to stated points previous to raving rant of DOOOOOOOOOM.
This will be very good for both guilds, not only to see the content (even though i have seen it, but for others who have yet to) but also a shot at trash epics, patterns, designs, etc etc etc.

On a side note, 2 epics leff until DJ is all epiced and shiny. Now to replace all that healing MAIL with plate (around 2 bits)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dj says "IM A BANANA!"

Hello loyal subjects...ok ok.....faithful readers? FINE......people who read my random drivel.

Dj healed through first boss of ZA last night on the FIRST EVER guild run, we 2 shotted him and missed the clock....damn....tonight we go back in :D

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Netherspite Banished!

So last night, Delirium decided to try Netherspite (kara boss) for the first time. not one raider had tried it before, and on the 4th shot she bit the dust!
So wow, guild first and my hunter was there.

Into Mr.T we venture (MgT) and boy howdy did we have some fun. A few wipes later, we were all done, and we had a new Plate Helm to gem up :D yay! (1771 heals!)

That is all :P

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Server standing update

This is from and shows where my toons are on the server status out of both horde and alliance.

1261. LVL 70 Djibril Gear Score 920 Ðelirium

1091. LVL 70 Julios Gear Score 964 Ðelirium

Not the best on the server, but not too shabby out of 20738 total players.
/flex half way there

do you have a Sleepy Willie yet?

Hehehehe, that name has been used in MULTIPLE trade chan jokes now :P
The other night we decided we needed more gold and a pet, so we did the Childrens Week quest line in Shattrath. It did not take that long to do the entire line, and netted me 45 gold and a SLEEPY WILLIE! It looks just like a little Beholder from D&D! Awwww its destruction is sooooo cute :P

On another note Dj just hit over the 1700+ heals mark and Julios got his PVP epic chest.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

A new day (and a new laptop!)

Well here we are at the new (empty so far) site. Just in case you are new here, my name is Voit Starr and im a WORLD OF WARCRAFT addict on Nagrand US (Oceanic).
I have 2 toons, one is a Healadin named Djibril and the other is a Hunter named Julios.
You can find my OLD blog here.

Last night we gave Chess and Prince a good beating (although chess isjust a chest, you cant really lose) and both had some great upgrades for the Healadin.

Some boots from chess (no one else wanted them let me add, and i was in GREEN boots :S).
Then we did Prince.....and OH MY did he love me.....
He dropped the Hammer and the Ring!
After Kara, i decided to spend some badges and replace that crappy old green healing trinket, with something alot better.
So at this point, Dj is past the 1600 heals mark, and looking awsome.

A friend from back in the day that used to get totaly wasted with me (Dr.Drae, you rock) came up for my B'day, and we played wow, drank booze, and relaxed.
Then he tfr'ed to our server, ooooo shiny new mage with very nice gear.

Mrs. Starr gave us our gift, and i now have a toshiba laptop that runs at 60 fps, rather than my old PC running at between 1 in Shatt and 25 in the open ><.
And on that note, im off to farm primal lifes for my healing chant.....mmmmm tasty.