Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My glass looks BRILLIANT!

Yes thats right, JC'ing my butt off again and another epic gem pops out. 14 glass, 2 epics. The sad fact? Blizzard suck....WHA?!?!?!?!
Blizzard as of sunwells crazy Gem lady screwed JC's everywhere. Epic gems arent selling, i have had the Pyrestone at 350g for a week now and nothing.....no bite, no sale, just nothing.

Progression news: Delirium/Fatal semi-merger. Thats right folks, you heard it here first! The decision has been made by both guild to co-op for SSC/TK as neither guild can get enough people online at the same time for 25 man content. Or in my words "not enough people can be bothered to turn up just like back in the day for kara, but oooo when your on farm they wanna come for PHAT LEWTZ....."

Now, as you may know, Julios was previously in a raiding guild and hated it. I'd like to say it WASNT the people in that guild, but it was, more specifically the GM. I quit one night after SSC. I muled on it for days before i decided to go. I made sure to tie up the "loose end" of raiding and not roll on any loot. Why? i wanted to reduce my raid days to 3 days only as i wanted to spend more time with my familiar, and he said NO. What comes first? raid or my gorgeous Kylz?

ANYWAY, back to stated points previous to raving rant of DOOOOOOOOOM.
This will be very good for both guilds, not only to see the content (even though i have seen it, but for others who have yet to) but also a shot at trash epics, patterns, designs, etc etc etc.

On a side note, 2 epics leff until DJ is all epiced and shiny. Now to replace all that healing MAIL with plate (around 2 bits)

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