Sunday, May 4, 2008

A new day (and a new laptop!)

Well here we are at the new (empty so far) site. Just in case you are new here, my name is Voit Starr and im a WORLD OF WARCRAFT addict on Nagrand US (Oceanic).
I have 2 toons, one is a Healadin named Djibril and the other is a Hunter named Julios.
You can find my OLD blog here.

Last night we gave Chess and Prince a good beating (although chess isjust a chest, you cant really lose) and both had some great upgrades for the Healadin.

Some boots from chess (no one else wanted them let me add, and i was in GREEN boots :S).
Then we did Prince.....and OH MY did he love me.....
He dropped the Hammer and the Ring!
After Kara, i decided to spend some badges and replace that crappy old green healing trinket, with something alot better.
So at this point, Dj is past the 1600 heals mark, and looking awsome.

A friend from back in the day that used to get totaly wasted with me (Dr.Drae, you rock) came up for my B'day, and we played wow, drank booze, and relaxed.
Then he tfr'ed to our server, ooooo shiny new mage with very nice gear.

Mrs. Starr gave us our gift, and i now have a toshiba laptop that runs at 60 fps, rather than my old PC running at between 1 in Shatt and 25 in the open ><.
And on that note, im off to farm primal lifes for my healing chant.....mmmmm tasty.

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